Ministries and Groups
Small groups/ministries is where a life of faith is lived out. It’s where we build close relationships, bear one another’s burdens, and wrestle with our fears, doubts and what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives. Some of our missions could be based on common phase of life (seniors, youths, children), and some may be organized around a particular need (feed the hungry, substance abuse, etc.). If you or your youth want to be more involved, would like to visit a group or have other questions, call or leave a message at 202-667-4862 or email a message using our contact form
Ushers and Nurses Ministries
Greater Tried Stone Baptist Church is a welcoming, friendly and caring place of worship. If you or your youth want to be more involved or have any other questions, please call or leave a message at 202-667-4862 or email a message using our contact form
Praise & Worship Ministry
Greater Tried Stone Baptist Church have a number of choirs where members honor and praise God with their voices each Sunday and on special occasions. For special activities, see the calendar. If you or your youth want to be more involved or have any other questions, please call or leave a message at 202-667-4862 or email a message using our contact form
Christian Action Reaching Everyone (CARE) Mission
Greater Tried Stone Baptist Church's Feed the Hungry program meets every Monday (except on holidays) at 12:30 p.m. Wholesome and delicious foods are served. Group members and volunteers please arrive by 10:30 a.m. If you are interested in volunteering, donating food or meeting other needs, please call or leave a message at 202-667-4862 or email a message using out contact form